Tuesday, June 3, 2008

yes we can


what an evening.

what a day.

what a moment in history.

a black man is the presidential candidate of a major political party in the United States of America.

ladies and gentlemen, Barack Hussein Obama!

he is a man of change.

and the change he promises is something i believe in.

he faces an uphill battle.

one, he's black in a country that still flies confederate flags and houses citizens who run around with white sheets over their heads.

two, his name sounds too muslim in a country that is fighting a war on terror against an enemy that was once led by a hussein itself.

mass emails full of lies don't help either.

it is my hope that citizens of the United States of America vote in november. not necessarily for Barack Obama, but for the candidate of their choice. and i hope the vote that is cast is an informed one, not a blind one based on race, religion or the latest bit of spam in their inbox.


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