Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sweetest Day

Ah, Sweetest Day. A day I'd never heard of until 2007. A day I (unfortunately) haven't committed to memory as of yet in my young marriage.

Seriously, in my 25 years as a resident of North Carolina I'd never even heard of the day. I dated Ashley two of those years and she never mentioned it. Then last year, early in our marriage, I was asked what I was going to do for her on Sweetest Day. "What's Sweetest Day?"

Fast forward one more year. It's a relatively cold, balmy day in central Ohio. We go to an outdoor (brrrr) pumpkin-decorating picnic to see our niece. Luckily, my sister-in-law comes up and whisper-reminds me that it's Sweetest Day. "Crap," is what I'm thinking to myself. "I've really got to commit this holiday to memory."

Luckily, I was able to cleverly integrate a sweet snack that Ashley loves (a Dairy Queen ice cream cake with the message "Happy Sweetest Day") into our last-second Sweetest Day festivities.

By the way, she thought I had forgotten (which I had).

Now I know that Sweetest Day is a Hallmark holiday. My next move will be to suggest that Hallmark's website send out email reminders to any registered married man as Sweetest Day approaches.

Anyways, although a holiday every now and again is nice to remind someone why they're special to you, it never hurts to show them they're special just because.

Ashley, you're the most specialist person in my whole world and I love you!

Happy Sweetest Day!

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