the lakewood lady lancers are ohio division III softball state champions.
at 32-2, lakewood won its first ever softball state championship.
i was present at their regional final victory over wheelersburg and their state semifinal victory over elmwood. the lady lancers were the consummate "team," with each player contributing in their own way. fifteen players saw the field in one way or the other in a come-from-behind victory over a very talented wheelersburg team.
now why would i, a north carolina native, a resident of another licking county school district in central ohio, care about the lakewood lady lancers?
well, for one, my mother-in-law, sister-in-law & wife all graduated from lakewood schools. my niece is currently in elementary school there.
second, as of this month, i'm an employee of lakewood local school district.
and i'm really looking forward to teaching in the district.

before moving to ohio, i had never been a part of small-town America. i didn't see the appeal. the lure of the big city always captivated me. things to do. people to meet.
but almost a full year in, small-town America is reeling me in.
tonight, a good chunk of hebron, ohio lined main street and cheered on the girls as they rode atop the fire engine in a victory parade. in the parking lot of the local kroger, a towing company loaned one of its trailers for the girls to stand on and a local radio station mc'ed the festivities.
it was amazing to see the community celebrate the achievement of these girls, girls they had watched grow up from an early age. little lady lancers looked up to these girls in admiration in much the same way the current lady lancers looked up to teams of the past.
small-town America may not be for everyone.
but tonight i caught a glimpse of what can make a community like this so special.
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